Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Asterisk Question(s):

IT Question:

We use Asterisk (open source PBX) for all of our local ip-phone extensions in the hospital and in the missionary homes.  It allows us a quick easy way to pick up a phone and ring an extension.  Nurses call doctors at home when they are on call with this system.  Doctors can quickly and easily call the pharmacy, or the nurses station.  In short, it is a real time saver and a pretty important part of the communications here.  Lastly, we do rent some did (direct inbound dial) numbers and folks can place calls to the states on them and receive calls to US numbers on them.

All of this is wonderful, but I don't know how to do much with it.  I don't know how to troubleshoot it and certainly don't know how to fix it.  If a reboot won't fix it, I'm in trouble! :)

Right now, we have a case where certain extensions can call others, but no one can call them.  I've trotted my one trick pony out onto the stage, rebooted, and alas  - still broken.  Does anyone out there know Asterisk?  Can you give me some pointers on where to start troubleshooting this?  Also, we have frequent internet outages here.  The extension to extension phone calls don't work when the internet is out.  Why?  The whole system seems to fail when the internet goes out. I can (obviously) understand why inbound DID calls don't work when the internet is out, but the doctors should be able to call the nurses and so forth - sans internet.  Again, any help in troubleshooting these problems would be greatly appreciated!

Please respond via the comments with more questions or suggestions.

Thank you and God Bless!

Dave Fields


  1. This won't be much help, but it's all I can think of: There may be more information on other VoIP systems like Vonage on the internet. Maybe understand some of the inner workings of the basics.

  2. I'll look into that. We are ALWAYS in need of more anesthesiologist help. Please consider making a trip sometime. Thanks Aaron! DF
