Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Update - 2010 September

Hi everyone!  Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a bit.  We're still here!  The ministry of hospital Loma de Luz continues to be a blessing to the North Coast of Honduras.  We are still struggling with most of the same issues that you see listed below. We believe that we may have a donation of laptops.  Please pray that this comes through!  I'll post an announcement once we get final word.  This will be an ongoing need, though - so please continue to consider us for laptops.  We are still looking for a couple thousand feet of fiber optic cable (I think I've decided to abandon coax for now) and some fiber optic to Ethernet routers.  I'm also hearing about a possible donation on a phone system - which would be a wonderful blessings.  I'll try and get some more specifics up in the next week or so.  Thank you to all who pray for our ministry and help in so many ways.  Please stay tuned!

Grace and Peace,
Dave Fields
Hospital Loma de Luz.